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CCSBT has established a Record of Vessels Authorised to Fish for Southern Bluefin Tuna and a Record of Carrier Vessels authorised to receive Southern Bluefin Tuna that together include all fishing and carrier vessels that are, at a specified time, authorised by Members of the Extended Commission and Cooperating non-Members to fish for, retain on board, tranship, carry or land southern bluefin tuna. Carrier vessels may also be authorised by more than one Member or Cooperating non-Member at any time.


IOTC has established a Record of Fishing Vessels for vessels authorised by Members and Cooperating non-Contracting Parties to operate in the IOTC Area of Competence. A vessel included on the Record of Fishing Vessels may not have a current authorisation to fish and will remain of the record until the relevant Member or Cooperating non-Contracting Party removes it from the record.


IATTC has established a Regional Vessel Register for vessels authorised by Contracting Parties and Cooperating non-Contracting Parties to fish for tuna and tuna-like species in the eastern Pacific Ocean. A vessel included on the Regional Vessel Register is considered authorised to fish in the eastern Pacific Ocean until it is removed by the relevant Contracting Party or Cooperating non-Contracting Party.


WCPFC has established a Record of Fishing Vessels for vessels authorised by Members and Cooperating non-Members to fish beyond their national jurisdiction within the WCPFC Convention Area. A vessel included on the Record of Fishing Vessels may not have a current authorisation to fish and will remain on the record until the relevant Member or Cooperating non-Member removes it from the record.


NPFC has established a Flagged Vessels Register that includes vessels authorised by Members and Cooperating non-Contracting Parties to fish in the NPFC Convention Area. A vessel included on the Flagged Vessels Register may not have a current authorisation to fish and will remain on the record until the relevant Member or Cooperating non-Contracting Party removes it from the register.


FFA has established the FFA Vessel Register that includes foreign fishing vessels seeking to fish in FFA members' waters or FFA member flagged vessels fishing solely within national waters. The FFA Vessel Register may also include foreign flagged fishing vessels operating only on the high seas. To be included on the FFA Vessel Register vessels must meet a minimum set of registration and operational requirements. Vessels must be operating a functional VMS, have a license to fish in one or more FFA member countries' waters (unless fishing solely within the high seas), have flag State authorisation to operate within the WCPFC Convention Area and be included on the WCPFC Record of Fishing Vessels.